Category: Uncategorized
Bullet Ant Stings
A bullet ant sting is 20 times more painful than a bee sting. Tribesmen wear ant gloves getting stung hundreds of times as a rite of passage. Watch these videos as this westerner endures the pain of a few bites while locals endure thousands relatively effortlessly.
Westerner getting bit …
Locals getting bit …
1) Very interesting maps in this link especially how several empires conquered the world.
2) Visualising climate change
3) Some funny maps here: Walmart growth time-lapse, Spread of the last name Smith, Invasion of cows, lightning strikes, craigslist missed connections
Shark Submarine Video
This 5 camera shark tracking submarine shows some pretty cool footage of sharks stalking and then ambushing the submarine. It is great to see these animals studied in more detail.
This video from the white house shows how global wildfires are increasing over the years.
Several huge sinkholes have been appearing lately. Warming permafrost and released methane is now considered the likely cause. Not good.
Hornet Killed by Bees
Man Made Leaf
Man has created a leaf that can absorb water and co2 and release oxygen and may one day assist in space travel. This is very cool. Read more here.
Amazing Macro Cinematography
Paint stops eggs from breaking
An 1/8 of an inch of a coating called Line-X, makes any surface coated with it 5 times stronger than steel. Watch the video.